I was recently interviewed for a website that found me via social media. I actually post there, it's the blog that I shamefully neglect.. I decided to share the questions they asked and my response for anyone else who might be interested!
1. How did your passion for travel start?
2. Where was the first place you visited?
3. Favorite place you've been?
4. Least favorite place you've been/bad traveling experiences?
5. Do you speak any other languages? If not, how do you deal with that when traveling?
6. Do you have any traveling tips for our readers?
7. What inspires you?
8. You often post about your family, can you tell us a little about them?
9. Where do you currently live?
10. Do you have any goals that you would like to share with us?
11. Do you plan on moving?
12. How often do you travel? 13. Is there anything that you would like our readers to know about you?
1. I've always thrived while traveling, even when I was a younger. As an adult, wanting to move away but already having an established career has kept me from being able to do so. Traveling has been the balance in my life for the sake of my sanity.
2. I grew up snowboarding every year with my family, so I would say the West Virginia mountains during winter were my first experience out of state.
3. That's a tough question because I love everywhere I've been for different reasons. I don't think you can compare the snow covered mountains of Canada to the sandy beaches of Hawaii. They're both breathtaking in their own beautiful way.
4. Florida is honestly my least favorite place. Funny that's where I live.. I'm not one for the heat and I despise not having seasons. I don't think any travel experience is bad. The less smooth times teach you how to better prepare for your future adventures!
5. I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and still couldn't tell you anything except "Hello." I think research is key in this area. If you're traveling somewhere you know there will be an English barrier, decide if you're willing to wing it or if you need to hire a translator. I've done both in the past. However, I've found in a lot of foreign countries, they're almost as interested in knowing about me as I am in knowing about them. (Greece in particular) haha they bent over backwards to help me in every way they could! Being a young, American blonde has it's perks! :)😉
6. I think my biggest tip would be to take risks and don't be afraid of the unknown. I've found my most cherished moments were ones I almost didn't have because I was overthinking the risk or the unfamiliarity.
7. I'm inspired by go getters. People who do everything in life to the best of their ability. Who chase after their dreams no matter how big and refuse to settle for anything less.
8. My family will always come first. I think it's important to have a solid support system. They're the backbone to the life that I've created and while people come and go through all stages of life, I can always count on my family for anything and everything.
9. I'm currently a Lake City, FL resident.
10. I am constantly meeting and creating new goals. I think it's most important to have achievable goals. It's so easy to get caught up in life and if we set unrealistic goals we just end up discouraged. Start small and work your way big. You'll be surprised the progress you can make!
11. I have all intentions and hopes to move away. I'm just waiting for the Lord to open up the door of opportunity in his time.
12. I travel as much as physically possible. I work crazy hours so If I'm fortunate enough to have a break, I take FULL advantage.
13. I just want to encourage all of you to chase after what you want in life. Don't allow the worlds idea of how your life should be, dictate the lifestyle you live. You have to do what's right for you, no one else has to walk in your shoes! <3
XOXO - Kate