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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Let's get personal.

Having a blog is a platform to share what you're truly passionate about. You see fashion blogs, stay at home moms that have blogs, makeup blogs, travel blogs... the list goes on.  I don't like to limit myself to one specific title, which is why I like to use the term "Lifestyle blog" when referring to my own. Because here's the thing,  Hair and Makeup is what I do, Fashion is what I love, DIY projects are how I unwind and travel is what I'm passionate about. I never want to have a blog that causes someone to look at my page and say, "Man, I wish I had money for that outfit." or "That's cool but I could never..." I don't think thats the point of blogging. I never want to come across as braggy, or non-relateable. I want to inspire people. Inspire them to try a new hairstyle or makeup look. To dress up every now and then.. because let's be honest, I wear workout clothes more than your average blogger. To take on a new hobby of knitting a scarf or making a cute DIY project for the house. To get out of your everyday routine and TRAVEL. Nothing makes me happier than to get a text from someone who told me that I inspired them to go hiking and asks what my favorite trails are.. That wanted to try snowboarding for the first time, what are some tips I could give them. THAT is why I blog. Because I'm truly happy where I am in life. I want others to feel comfortable in their skin and to enjoy life to the fullest. Because life is too short to be anything but HAPPY.

With that being said, Matthew and I opted out of Christmas presents this year in exchange for a trip to Utah. I would give up every materialistic item I own for the opportunity to travel the world. Matt... well, he's getting there. haha Hope you enjoy! XOXO

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Be Mine... Valentine


Dress: Here! // Booties: Similar Here! // Hat: Here!

I'm not even going to lie.. I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's day. I think it's silly to only celebrate your loved one on one specific day, but I'll use it as an excuse to dress up. Which is kind of a lie. Every year I spend Valentine's day on the slopes wearing something complete opposite of the look above. HOWEVER, I will be wearing this number out on a date, with my husband, sometime in the month of Febuary, to celebrate said "Valentine's Day." lol. Am I the only one who is totally over the traditional red or pink explosion of outfits every year? Don't get me wrong, I'll rock a red or pink lip, no doubt, but i'm going on strike and wearing all white. :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

For the love..

If you're alive and breathing.. you've seen this photo. If you're a beanie addict like myself, you searched high and low for it. If you're a creative little nugget, you ended up just making one of your own, like I did.

What you'll need:
-A black beanie (I got mine for $2 at F21 on black Friday)
-Lace (I found mine at JoAnn fabric)
-Needle and thread (or a sister to sew it for you)

Simple enough,  am I right?  The hardest thing for me was finding lace that I liked.. I still wish I could have found some slightly more shear.. but I have a feeling this is only the first of many beanies I will be adding my own stamp to.  I could lie and tell you I sewed it myself but we all know I'm not housewife enough for that.. so shoutout to my perfect little sister for sewing the lace on for me like a champ. No worries, I paid her in food and clothing privileges to my closet! If this post inspires any of you to get creative with your beanies, be sure to hashtag Labellavitabykate on Insta so I can see your creations! Lastly, Go KILL this Monday like it were a Friday! XOXO

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Saying Goodbye to 2014..

This year has seriously flown by. So many exciting things and accomplishments that I wanted to reminisce on with anyone reading... Enjoy!

In January, I was so honored to be Featured in North Central Florida Bride as a Hair and Makeup artist! Weddings have always been a passion of mine, but this year that love and passion has grown tremendously.
I have been so blessed to be apart of 27 weddings this year. Along with various other events, it was a busy year! With no intentions of slowing down, I can't wait to see how many weddings I get to participate in 2015!
On May 17th I turned 23! I like to think I'm pretty baller at this whole grown up thing. 
 If you have followed me for any period of time, you know my passion for travel is intense. This year we made it all the way to Alaska! Probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to travel as much as we do. The bucket list never stops growing and this year I'm excited to see how many more things we can check off!
 This handsome fella and I celebrated 4 years of marriage! Matthew and I try our best to live life to the fullest. I'm thankful for the adventurist side he has allowed me to bring out in him! Now if we could just figure out how to dodge the never ending question of "When will you guys have kids.. "
I celebrated 3 wonderful years at a amazing salon. I've grown to love my co-workers as though they were family. It's so refreshing to work in an atmosphere where everyone encourages each other to better themselves instead of comparing and criticizing which is what I so often see happen in salons. I'm also thankful for a boss lady who loves Jesus and her employees. Makes the days more enjoyable!
In the last year I've hiked 17 trails in 6 different states. Not bad for a Florida gal, right? haha I'm telling you, I was born to live in a huge city somewhere out West. *New years resolution for 2015: convince the hubs to move.* 
We celebrated 10 years of Daddy being in full-time ministry! (My siblings and I celebrated surviving 10 years as Pastor Kids) That's so crazy to me! I'm just thankful the Lords plans are greater than ours! It's so amazing to watch everything unfold! Can't wait to see what the next 10 years bring!

These are just a few of the memories that stand out among many others. I wouldn't have changed a single thing in 2014. So many learning experiences that have shaped and developed me into the person I am today. I can truly say I'm excited and ready for 2015. Let's do this!
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