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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Travel series Part 1

 Listen, we all know I'm a terrible blogger, I've stopped trying to deny it at this point. I'm all over the place. I find myself feeling discouraged that I don't have time to dedicate and finally I just told myself to stop. I would wake up early, drive to my parents house so my sister could take photos for me, then turn around and change into clothes that I actually wear to work. No one wants to see what I really wear to work because lets be honest, no one is gonna be searching the internet for duplicates! lol So silly, right? I'd work so late that I would go home, crash and never even end up making a post. Instead of beating myself up over not fitting the mold of these other bloggers, why not just conform my blog to fit my lifestyle.. GENIUS, right?  I have received so many comments, texts and e-mails asking about my travels. I feel like instead of forcing my blog to be something I struggle to make consistent... I should just make it me. After all, isn't that what makes blogging interesting and enjoyable to read? So here's to a new leaf.. a blog thats truly all over the place, just like me.

 I feel like to be completely transparent with everyone I need to back up and share how I got to the point in life where I COULD travel. Sometimes the internet can be so misleading and posts can cause people to think opposite of what we intend. I only say this because I come in contact with so many people on a regular basis and common statements can really start to get under your skin. Such as: "Must be nice" or my personal fave, "Wow, you're actually at work for once?" I would find myself trying to defend my lifestyle when finally I had enough. Who's business is it what I do with my life? No ones. Yes, I choose to post it on the internet, but I don't need to justify anything to anyone. Jealousy makes people say some mean things. Thick skin sure does come in handy!

 Traveling as an adult takes preparation as a teen! Travel has been a passion of mine for many, many years but until recently, it was a lot more dreaming and a lot less actual travel. I could go into deep detail on the budgeting and planning that was involved, if that's something you guys want to know, but for starters I just want to give you guys some tips that you can take and do with what you please.

 * LIVE INSIDE YOUR MEANS * - It's so sad to me when I see people who are ultimately limited in life due to financial decisions that have been made. Hey, maybe that outrageous car payment is something they are passionate about, who am I to judge? For me, materialistic things are less and less of importance when compared to life experience. My husband and I were raised completely different growing up and honestly, many of our first years of marriage were spent deciding ( from me, more demanding.. haha ) how limited we were or weren't going to be by our finances. I praise God every day that both of us worked our way through college and didn't have loans up to our eyeballs. My sincerest prayers go out to those are unable to say the same.
 I look back on the times when I was younger and all my friends were given brand new fancy cars at 16 while my Dave Ramsey in the flesh father tried to teach me the importance of working hard for my own things. Which only resulted in the ugliest chunk of metal I was so proud to have paid cash for and call my first car. Since at the time I was too annoyed, I don't think I ever had the chance to say, thanks dad! It's a difficult thing to master, especially if you were raised not to know any better, but I promise you nothing taste better than financial freedom feels. Wow, I sound like Dave Ramsey myself.

* QUANITY vs. QUALITY * - Here is where I differ from so many others. Travel for me is an escape from everything inside my normal routine. I so badly want to move. There have been many of conversations that will hopefully become actions in the future. However, I'm not going to put my life on hold in the meantime. I use travel as a way of escaping so I don't fall into this rut of discontentment because of the fact that I still live somewhere after 4 years of wanting to leave. That being said, I rather take multiple small trips over one big trip.
 My family always takes one big vacation in the winter. Its the same week every year so Dad can prepare! When the time comes, he has the financial ability to splurge. To some, thats what travel is, one trip in which you totally splurge.
 For me, it's different. I wouldn't be content with only one trip. Instead, I take my time and do a ridiculous amount of research. Weighing all of the options possible to find the most affordable option. I rather budget myself while I'm away than constantly splurge and have regret when I get home. I personally canNOT enjoy myself unless a trip is paid in full BEFORE we leave. I've always been that way. So wether we postpone a little bit until we have the funds or we cut corners and maybe hit up a grocery store for lunch meat vs. eating out every meal. That is a hardcore rule that I don't budge on. It also comes in handy when I get home and have those pesky post-vacation blues... we can immediately start planning our next trip without the stress of trying to pay off our previous. I'm just saying, f i n a n c i a l f r e e d o m.

 *STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES or SHOP TIL YOU DROP* - Last but certainly not least, I think it's important to have a gameplan before you leave town. What are your goals? Are you planning on kicking back or kicking it into high gear? I personally cannot STAND doing things I can do at home while i'm away. For instance: You will not catch me in a mall, sleeping in or eating at any restaurants I have in my home town.. BUT thats just my preference! Some people prefer a slower pace and relaxation. Ninety-nine percent of the vacations we take are spent outdoors, so we rarely even have those issues. However, all of our vacations are short and require an extremely fast pace due to our work schedules. So i've found the more time you spend planning ahead, the less time you'll waste trying to figure it out once you've reached your destination!

  I hope these tips help you guys when you plan your next adventure! I have multiple trips that I haven't documented yet, ( imagine that, me slacking...) that I hope to reflect back on and possibly even go into deeper detail as to how I went about our planning process!

 Be sure to leave your feedback! I would love to know if you guys find posts like these helpful or what you would like to see more of in the future!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Cheers to 5 years!

Sharing a few photos from our 5 year anniversary shoot today! Xoxo

Mad props to my little sister Kaylee for taking my photos, Ashton for editing and Matt for being such a good sport and getting ready on the side of the road mid-road trip. Never a dull moment! Looking forward to many more of years!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Stripes & Suede

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked, "Where do you shop?" I might not be a millionaire but I sure would be one happy camper! The truth is, I don't have a specific place I shop. I don't have a single store that I prefer more than the other... I will go anywhere with a deal. Which brings me to this post. My entire outfit is from Forever21. I feel like they have really stepped up their game as of late. I went through a period of time where I refused to walk into the store for the sake of my sanity. Like, god forbid I ask where an item is located because I'm convinced NO ONE knows the answer to that question. But I've kinda grown to like that. I'm not one of those people who walk into a store, see something on a mannequin, purchase every piece and wear it as such. I love finding random items I don't see a lot of people fighting over, and wearing them my own way. I love even more when people can't tell where my clothes are from by a silly lion emblem over my right shoulder or some kind of branding somewhere super noticeable. So kudos to you forever 21 for making affordable, stylish pieces that don't scream, HEY LOOK WHERE I SHOP. Can you guys tell thats one of my biggest pet peeves? Anyways, rant over. Moral of the story, give Forever 21 a chance... even if a zanax is required in the process! Happy Friday friends! 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Black is Bae

There is a very large portion of my closet that consists of all black and there is a very good reason. Black is the answer to all of life's questions. What do I wear out tonight? What is appropriate for this occasion? What won't make too much of a statement but has "You're a smokeshow" written all over it? .. shall I continue? The list goes on but THE number one reason I wear black 90% of the time is because sharpie matches so perfectly to cover those pesky little bleach stains us hairstylists love so much. haha It's also super easy to blend into the background when you miraculously end up photobombing every wedding you do hair and makeup for. Needless to say, black is my jam. So here's me, jamming out. Happy friday loves! I also included the link to these gladiators that were nothing more than a impulse buy that I absolutely do NOT regret.

Sandals: Nordstrom
Shorts: Zara (old) similar: here!
Top: Here!
Sunnies:Karen Walker
Hat: F21 (old) similar: Here!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ohh Calvin.. you comfy thing, you

I finally got my hands on a Calvin Klein set in my size!! I wasn't sure exactly what size to order online and every time I went to purchase in store, they were sold out! So, shoutout to Urban for being on top of their crap and keeping things in stock! Preciate it.

Fun fact: I rarely online shop unless I know exactly what size I am at that particular store. Because if it doesn't fit, it will never actually make it to the mailbox to be returned.

and lets be honest... I'll probably buy this set in every color because it's so dang comfy. If you wanna be comfy with me, hit up Urban!

 Enjoy the pic extras I threw in today too! Blog photos never take place without these two. They're basically my sidekicks for everything in life. So, I hope you like their faces as much as I do!

Lip color: Mac "Whirl"
Jeans: Pacsun (old)
Flannel: Cottonon
Tank: Target- They have the BEST plain tanks!
Calvin Klein set: HERE!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Bohemian Babessss

 Ok, I had to include this photo ^^^ serisouly, I die! haha Incase you ever wanted to know what goes down behind the scenes of my blog photos, you now know.

I want to share with you the best and the worst thing about these pants. What do you guys want first? Yea, good news first? Okay cool.. THEY WERE FREE!!! Linda listen, Pacsun is my weakness. (Kudos to anyone who caught on to the Linda reference) I literally own half the store...only wish I was kidding. But let me share a secret.. They have this super nifty sale where you buy one article of clothing and get 3 free. WHAT! Yes, THREE free articles of clothing. So, I hit up all 4 stores within a 100 mile radius of me and load up. I'm beyond okay with how ridiculous that makes me sound. Do you have free pants? That's what I thought..

The worst part, they're suede and hot AF. Not pants I would encourage anyone who lives in FL to purchase. But ya live and ya learn... THEY WERE FREE PEOPLE.

I spent a total of $100 and came home with 12 new pieces of clothing. BARGAIN. Moral of the story... Pacsun has this sale multiple times a year, so keep an eye out.

Top: Nordstrom
Vest: TJ Max
Shoes: F21
Pants: Pacsun

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Desire for Denim

Hi Wednesday! I don't know why I always want to wear that one piece of clothing that totally doesn't mesh with the season. (In Florida we have hot, hottest and even hotter months) So honestly, I don't know why I even own jackets...because I'm in love, thats why. I've owned this baby for years and recently It just stays on my body at all times. I'm trying really hard to be better about blogging more consistently so I decided to kick it off with what I've been wearing on the regs. Thanks for reading and Happy Hump Day loves! XOXO

Hat: F21
Tank: Target Similar HERE!
Sunnies: QUAY
Backpack: Target
Denim Jacket: Gap (OLD)
Pants: TJ Max
Shoes: DSW
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