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Friday, September 26, 2014

Birkenstocks are bae.

I think there is a time and a place for certain trends. Various pieces that are needed for a outfit to flow & specific occasions that its appropriate for. I get made fun of on the daily for my Birkenstocks. Maybe its because I don't have a baby, so I'm not allowed to be in the Birkenstock club or possibly the haters have just never tried on a pair.. but oh my yessss. Mine are actually from the Sam & Libby collection at Target. If you want your feet to be in heaven.. check them out here! ->Sam & Libby

Top: Express
Shorts: Express
Flannel: F21
Shoes: Target

Monday, September 22, 2014

Kimonos for the win

  You can easily get away with wearing summer clothes all year round in Florida. I paired this floral kimono (that has POCKETS!!) over my summer maxi for a "transitioning into fall" look.  I am definitely not afraid to wear white after labor day, Flip-flops year round or a hot pink maxi any day! I'm in love with winter clothes but I physically cannot force myself to wear more layers than necessary in this 90 degree weather. So while I pray for fall weather... its kimonos over everything.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A case of the Mondays

 We all have that one item we simply cannot live without. These pants... are mine. They've traveled the world with me, gone on dates with me, heck, one time I even climbed a mountain in Alaska while wearing them (hence the bigger than when I bought them, hole.) They're the definition of an oldie but a goodie. They make me happy when skies are grey. * Insert every corny saying I can possibly think of to explain my love for these jeans.* They have made many of Mondays, not so terrible. Basically, they're too perfect not to share! I've had them so long, they're no longer available BUT I did find a pair that look pretty darn similar. So, if anyone would like to jump on the amazing pants that will change your life forever train... check out these links! Zappos & UrbanOG

Friday, September 12, 2014

Girls Night!

Playing dress-up starts at age 5 and never truly ends. -Kate Spade

I've never heard a more true statement. I'm also a firm believer that girls dress mainly for other girls. Now, hear me out! We love to make our men happy! Nothing beats being told we look lovely by the gentlemen in our life. But ladies, if we're being honest, we also love talking about the sales, where we got our shoes, and a compliment always seems like more of an achievement when coming from someone who knows just the effort that was put into the total look. Maybe not for you, but if I were to dress according to my hubby, I would never see anything but jeans and a simple tee with my hair down and straight. There is definitely nothing wrong with that! I just enjoy having a little bit of both in my life. Which is why girls nights are a must! Below is an outfit I pulled together after I snagged this amazing sequined number from Express for my girls night! Here's to the weekend! 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Halo Couture



I consider myself to be a very picky person when it comes to the hair extensions that I choose to use and specialize in. The last thing that I want to do is encourage my clients to use extensions that I myself don't believe are the best. With that being said, I usually recommend the SoCap option because of how natural of an appearance they give off... until now. About 3 months ago I was introduced to Halo Couture. This is the only brand of temporary hair extensions that I have EVER been this pleased with. I decided immediately I had to make these available for my clients back home. The extensions come in 3 different lengths, a wide variety of colors and consist of 100% human hair. Side note: One of the biggest mistakes people make when searching for extensions is not getting 100% human hair.

 In the video below ( I'm not good at this, don't judge ) I show how quick and easy these extensions are to use! The bottom halo I use is the medium length of 16".  If your hair is already long and you're just looking for fullness and a little length, the bottom piece alone is enough. For anyone with shorter hair and layers, like myself, I recommend the top piece as well for the most natural results. I'm running a special of $25 off and free shipping for anyone who is interested! Call (386) 755-2325 to book your appointment! 


Friday, September 5, 2014

Football Fanatic

When Tebow wore John 3:16 on his eye black during the 2009 Championship game, 92 million people looked up that verse. 92 MILLION people heard the gospel because one man took a stand.

 I know this is a little different from the normal posts I have for you guys but this is something that has been heavy on my heart for the past week. With football season finally here you will very soon, if you haven't already, find out who goes for which team. Our everyday conversations have become consumed by football. Wether its predicting who we think will win, what they could have done to improve or just planning our events that will take place every Saturday for the next four months. Don't get me wrong, I love football season and everything that comes along with it. I just wish that more christians, myself included would take even half the amount of energy we spend talking about football and take a stand for what really matters. Imagine the difference we could make in the world if our twitter rants were about our love and desire to please the Lord instead of arguing with someone because they are cheering for the opposing team. We are called to be on the opposing team. We are suppose to be taking a stand. Don't let your love for the game outweigh your love the Lord. Allow people to see what team you're on. Take a stand.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Waterfalls & Adventures

Where I live, people don't hike and its a shame, really. Not that Florida is full of mountains with opportunity. haha Call me an extremest but I FIND reasons to hike...  its totally normal for a conversation in the Herndon household to begin with: "Babe, I found a trail & its only 8 hours away."   
Which is how our Labor Day events came about! :) Im guilty of reading travel magazines on the daily and in doing so I found this beautiful little spot that will we have all fallen in love with called Cummins Fall, located in Cookeville, TN. Here are just a few pictures from our adventure! I urge anyone to go for themselves, you won't be disappointed. 


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